How Cannabis Helps Nausea

For patients suffering from nausea, fast-acting relief is important. This means that vaping and smoking are more effective methods of administration instead of ingesting edibles or capsules. If you’re feeling sick to your stomach, waiting 45 minutes is too long – and that’s the average time it takes for edibles to kick in. Tinctures are also anotherContinueContinue reading “How Cannabis Helps Nausea”

Using CBD to Kick the Habit

Per PsyPost, Cannabidiol (CBD), a compound derived from the cannabis plant that does not produce a psychoactive “high,” might help tobacco smokers kick the habit, according to new preliminary research I smoked cigarettes (Marlboro Lights primarily) for 27 years on and off. For example, I started at the ripe age of 16 but it wasContinueContinue reading “Using CBD to Kick the Habit”

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