The Joys of Traveling

Traveling from one side of the country to another, what great adventures. Anything lies ahead of you, happiness or misery. In the end, it’s what makes you giddy that counts. Isn’t traveling fun? Oh the airport and the check in and then the wait while you sip on your $10 café mocha cappuccino. You desperatelyContinueContinue reading “The Joys of Traveling”

A Stop to Smoking Cancer Sticks

 *Update: I failed on the 26th 😔* That is what my brain tells me, my family and friends tell me but my will power says different. She does not concur. Why? Because she is an addict. Addicted to over 3,000 chemicals in a single cigarette. I’m sick of it. It’s out of habit. Yes, IContinueContinue reading “A Stop to Smoking Cancer Sticks”

Overweight and Unhappy

“Weird Al” Yankovic – Fat Because this is how I feel   Being overweight is NO FUN whatsoever. You are the one always struggling to fit into some decent clothes that does not show all your fat hanging from your sides, that hides your stomach and your big butt! You are the one thatContinueContinue reading “Overweight and Unhappy”

Something Wiccan Ltd

A unique gift boutique in Crawley, UK

Doing the Daily Witch

Challenge: Do the Witch Thing Daily

Witchcraft & Wicca Guide

A guide to available resources about Witchcraft and Wicca.

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follow your own rainbow colored path

Northern Lights Wicca

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Magick, Potions & Nature

"quit hiding your magic, the world is ready for you"