Insomniatic Nights

Insomniatic night and not being able to sleep when you want to because you are fidgety, anxious. It is the worst feeling ever!     I noticed the changes since I started taking a new medication about a month ago. I looked up its side effects on (a personally trusted site) and it stated theContinueContinue reading “Insomniatic Nights”

Conflicting Interest

  Do you enjoy the plethora of antidepressant commercials that tell you how your “problems” will be solved by taking said pill but…have you listened to the side effects? Increased depression, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of killing yourself, heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems. It’s like, is this really going to help me or kill me!ContinueContinue reading “Conflicting Interest”

Complexities of Social Media…especially Facebook!

HA this is great! A divorce party cake, with love from your one and only!!! Back in the day, myspace was the shit. You were able to customize your page with glittery gifs and more and then came Facebook and took over the freaking world! They’ve come a long way that’s for sure. So farContinueContinue reading “Complexities of Social Media…especially Facebook!”

How exercise may help with depression

Exercise may be an effective treatment for depression and might even help prevent us from becoming depressed in the first place, according to three timely new studies. The studies pool outcomes from past research involving more than a million men and women and, taken together, strongly suggest that regular exercise alters our bodies and brainsContinueContinue reading “How exercise may help with depression”

Don’t Want to or Can’t Sleep…?

Don’t wanna sleep…can’t sleep…I don’t know anymore. I stopped taking naps since the change of medications and now I either go to sleep earlier than before and wake up earlier than before so I’m up early. It sucks. I never get tired enough to try to go back to sleep because by then I’ve alreadyContinueContinue reading “Don’t Want to or Can’t Sleep…?”

Vitamin D Deficient

According to Scientific American® , three-quarters of U.S. teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D…”. That’s a lot of people that probably don’t even know they are deficient. Some reasons why people become deficient are: People with darker skin. The darker your skin the more sun you need to get the same amount of vitaminContinueContinue reading “Vitamin D Deficient”

Something Wiccan Ltd

A unique gift boutique in Crawley, UK

Doing the Daily Witch

Challenge: Do the Witch Thing Daily

Witchcraft & Wicca Guide

A guide to available resources about Witchcraft and Wicca.

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Magick, Potions & Nature

"quit hiding your magic, the world is ready for you"