Sadness & Depression

Life hasn’t really been treating me very kind lately and it’s contributing to my own depression. As someone with BPD & Bipolar and a HSP, I feel a lot and not only with my own feelings but those of others as well. I try not to get involved in others’ lives and situations but when it comesContinueContinue reading “Sadness & Depression”

Losing Weight Makes Me Happy ☺

Finally weight is coming off my (fat) body! I’ve lost 4 pounds from my highest weight this week. Since Monday, I’ve really been non-stop. I’ve gone to the pool (burns at least 130 calories swimming leisurely for about 30 minutes), walked a total of 15.85 miles / 25.51 kilometers, done household cleaning & taken napsContinueContinue reading “Losing Weight Makes Me Happy ☺”


FITness…what comes to mind is sweat, blood and tears! I hate working out but you know eating very little alone will not speed up the process of losing weight. Adding some form of daily activity will. I decided to implement jumping rope into my routine. 💡 DID YOU KNOW 💡 You can burn 10 calories for everyContinueContinue reading “Fitness”

Wrapping IT Up!

After reading some articles, I have decided today to wrap myself up. What do I mean by this? Have you heard of It Works! and their wraps that you could use around your belly, arms, legs, butt and even chin? I’m still a Representative for It Works!, just haven’t ordered any products lately so sinceContinueContinue reading “Wrapping IT Up!”

Images that irk me & then some

The struggles having that great body, not perfect because it isn’t possible, but at least one you feel confident in. I came across an advertisement which stated: The background says it all; this woman shines in all her carnival glory. If Carnival isn’t using this on all their brochures, wtf are they doing? I’m sureContinueContinue reading “Images that irk me & then some”

Something Wiccan Ltd

A unique gift boutique in Crawley, UK

Doing the Daily Witch

Challenge: Do the Witch Thing Daily

Witchcraft & Wicca Guide

A guide to available resources about Witchcraft and Wicca.

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follow your own rainbow colored path

Northern Lights Wicca

Handmade Wiccan Goods and Crafts

Magick, Potions & Nature

"quit hiding your magic, the world is ready for you"