Giving in or Accepting

Today marks a new time in my life, I guess it would be a positive one since I tried not making it a negative one. I’ve decided to move on and forget… I’ve decided to say FUCK IT and live my life and stop worrying so much about other people! Look not everyone is forContinueContinue reading “Giving in or Accepting” that even a word?

Sometimes finding a title for your blog post is like trying to come up with a title for your #1 national selling book! I’ll come back to that at some point… Living life with depression and being deemed disabled has been no fun whatsoever. Never in my previous life did I think or imagine IContinueContinue reading “ that even a word?”

Something Wiccan Ltd

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Doing the Daily Witch

Challenge: Do the Witch Thing Daily

Witchcraft & Wicca Guide

A guide to available resources about Witchcraft and Wicca.

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Magick, Potions & Nature

"quit hiding your magic, the world is ready for you"